Do We Match Each Other, Darling?
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Marta (Jana Brejchová) and Viktor (Vlastimil Brodský) celebrate the tenth anniversary of their wedding half-heartedly. They both think they don't suit together. While visiting Marta's friend Alena (Iva Janzurová), who just got married for the third time, they learn an interesting thing. It was a computer which selected a husband for Alena and she claims she is happy. The couple gets off after certain hesitation to a cybernetic institute, where the computer tells them that living together is a risk for them. At the same time the computer selects them ideal partners - Mrs Tuchlová, a doctor for Viktor, and Petr Karát, a music composer for Marta. By a coincidence Viktor and Marta meet wrong people.

Vlastimil Brodský

Jana Brejchová

Regina Rázlová

Josef Bláha

Iva Janžurová

František Peterka

Vladimír Menšík

Stella Zázvorková

Eva Jiroušková

Stanislava Bartošová

Božena Böhmová

Lucie Žulová

František Filipovský

Jiří Lír

Václav Trégl

Mirko Musil

Karel Hovorka

Darja Hajská

Jiřina Bílá

Zdeňka Balounová

Ivo Hrdina

Nina Zvjagina

Anna Štrosová

Vilemína Nejedlová-Skokanová

Renata Bauerová