WCW Clash of The Champions XVIII
2 hours1992-01-21
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WCW Clash of The Champions XVIII took place on January 21, 1992 at The Expo Center in Topeka, Kansas. There were 5,500 fans in attendance and the show drew a 3.7 rating on TBS. This event was a set-up for SuperBrawl II and saw the WCW debut of Jesse "The Body" Ventura. It was originally scheduled as Brian Pillman & The Patriots vs. The Diamond Studd & The Young Pistols.

Steve Borden

Rick Blood Sr.
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

Rick Rood
"Ravishing" Rick Rude

Steve Austin
"Stunning" Steve Austin

Paul Heyman
Paul E. Dangerously

Debrah Miceli

Ron Simmons

Barry Windham

Dustin Runnels
"The Natural" Dustin Rhodes

Larry Whistler
"The Crunher" Larry Zbyszko

Martin Lunde
"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson

Bobby Eaton
"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton

Kevin Nash
Vinnie Vegas

Tommy Richardson
"Wildfire" Tommy Rich

Matt Osborne
Big Josh

Brad James
Brad Armstrong

Michael Seitz
Michael "P.S." Hayes

James Williams
Jimmy "Jam" Garvin

Mick Foley
Cactus Jack

Mark Hildreth
"Heavy Metal" Van Hammer

Larry Shreve
Abdullah The Butcher

Paul Neu
"RapMaster" P.N. News

Page Falkinburg Jr.
"Diamond" Dallas Page

Marc Mero
Johnny B. Badd

Richard Morton
Richard Morton

Brian Pillman
"Flyin" Brian Pillman

Marcus Bagwell
Marcus Alexander Bagwell

Paul Taylor
"The Taylor-Made Man" Terrence Taylor

Tracy Smothers

Scott Rechsteiner
Scott Steiner

Rob Rechsteiner
Rick Steiner

Leon White
Big Van Vader

Curtis Hughes
Mr. Hughes