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Wolfram Igor Derntl

Wolfram Igor Derntl was born in Mauthausen. He completed his vocal studies at the Goetheanistisches Konservatorium with honours. In 2004 he was engaged at the Wiener Staatsoper and has since then also been member of the Wiener Hofmusikkapelle. Before his fixed engagement at the Wiener Staatsoper, he was for example engaged at the Wiener Volksoper, the Wiener Kammeroper, the Stadttheater St. Pölten, in Klosterneuburg, Schwetzingen or at the Wiener Burgtheater. He was successful as Tamino (Zauberflöte), Basilio and Don Curzio (Figaro), Pedrillo (Entführung aus dem Serail), Barinkay (Zigeunerbaron), Symon (Bettelstudent), Adam (Vogelhändler) and Alfred (Fledermaus). Since his engagement at the Wiener Staatsoper he has performed numerous roles, apart from his administrative activities for the choir. In 2009/2010 he was engaged as a soloist at the Wiener Staatsoper.

Personal information

Birth Place

Mauthausen, Germany

Movies and TV shows :

Don Pasquale

Don Pasquale



The Cunning Little Vixen - Wiener Staatsoper

The Cunning Little Vixen - Wiener Staatsoper


